[please be welcome in transit] If you don't have JavaScript enabled, there are several things on this site, you won't be able to see. I have tried where possible to make sure everything still works, but where that's not possible, I've made that clear.

In Transit is a gateway to websites which offer something beautiful, original and thought provoking. The world wide web is a place for inspiration, or it can be...

You can browse these wonderful websites by clicking on them.
If you want more information, read the mission statement and if you want to leave a quick note or see the last changes to this site, you does that.

I also have my own little place here, with things I hope will be enjoyable to browse through.

button 'them'  button 'you'  button 'me'

picture of a nice looking spiral random website (opens in a new window / JavaScript required)

the list (newest at the bottom / JavaScript NOT required)
[Housedeer] Housedeer Magazine celebrates authenticity and originality in whatever manifestation those qualities appear.

[Last Real Net Art Museum] Internet Art around the theme 'My Boyfriend Came Back From the War'.

[Mind my Gap] Meet Diddybob and Buddybob. A dynamic duo on air presenting their show "Living Interior" in the online story The Open Horizon.

[Nobody Here] Jogchem Niemandsverdriet likes to express himself using animation, text and programming.

[UrbanDictionary.com: Define Your World] Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with your definitions.

[Eiland] An extraordinary island with a rich history filled with beautiful but silent stories.

[Poodt] The magical and mysterious online photo album of Michiel Poodt just begs to be explored.

[Exploding Dog] Sam Brown draws pictures from titles you send him.

[Misprinted Type] His fonts are gorgeous, his drawings edgy and beautiful.

[The Lotus Eater] Fine lines and a pervasive unsettling atmosphere mark the pages of this site. You will need to have a Ruffle browser extension installed to see it though.

[Post Secret] Share a secret.

[Entropy8zuper] Two people making unique internet art through experimentation, hard work and aided by their strong sixth sense for beautiful visuals.

[Teesha Moore] Visual arts by Teesha, with a wonderful magazine and the spectacular pages of her journal.

[neave.tv] Experimental use of video over the web.

[Pictures of Walls] Good wall quotes. Pages upon pages of them.

[Tape Art] Temporary fun with tape and walls to make any community happy!

[my body] A website about a woman's body and her relationship to it over time.

[A Softer World] Very short, paneled photo cartoon.

[The Infinity Matrix] Online Science Fiction Magazine.

[It's Jerry Time] True Tales of the Life of Jerry.

[Tale of Tales] The New Gaming is here!

[Soulwax] Always trying something new, something that fits

[a as in dog] The most minimal of animations, one for each letter of the alphabet

[Infinity's Kitchen] Infinity's Kitchen closed, but their website is an online archive of innovative literature

[Secret Technology] Jason Nelson creates digital oddities and creatures

[Dreaming Methods] Immersive, interactive short stories and digital poetry

[Rick88888888] Restored and colorized old movie clips, mostly first half of the 20th century

[Public Domain Review] "My body is a four story house" — Medical Diagrams from 1708

[tree.fm] "Tune Into Forests From Around The World"

JavaScript NOT needed

cross the lines [story fragments]

he's in love [poem]

flow in motion [story fragments]

JavaScript required

portrait gallery [story fragments]

idleness [photographs]

cows [commentary]

julius and cornelia [cat photo's]

what i see [poem]

queens [photographs]

i want [poem]

squash 'em [game]

All work in this segment copyright to blindeman.com/please-transfer.us 2000 - 2024

latest news: Dec 24, 2020
new links: Nov 24, 2024

butterflyAdded Ruffle to this site to revive my old Flash experiments. They're under the JavaScript required heading.
Cleaned up some outdated text and code.
Removed dead links.

leave a message
drop me a line via an at please-transfer.us

Ah! The old-fashioned traveler, it's lovely to see you and I hope you have a wonderful scroll.